Dear Millenials

There is a joke in that old classic movie “Back to the Future” that you may have missed because it did not age very well through time. Let me translate the context: Doc Brown after examining a circuit board on the DeLorean time machine commented, “No wonder it failed, Made in Japan”. He did not know that during the time of Marty Macfly, Japan was already synonymous to high quality electronics. Yes, in that short span of about 20 years, Japan emerged from being the CDR-King of cheap electronics to a global superpower.

The Philippines? We had Marcos during that same time period. Believe it or not, before Marcos, we were slightly ahead of Japan. Never mind Thailand, South Korea, or even now, Vietnam who was still fighting the Americans when Marcos was first elected. They are now exporting rice, while we are importing that basic commodity.

So if you think voting for that lazy bum who did nothing in the last 6 years except to whine and complain, is a matter of whimsical preference (choice ko naman), then do not blame our future on the cruelty of fate. Choosing a known liar, tax evader, plunderer, etc. will have consequences. We will reap what we sow.


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