Smart sucks

Just when I thought I had found gold with Smart phone and web services when my Smart Bro finally allowed me to play tournaments in Zynga poker (just two weeks ago), now comes this, I can not register for their Unli services. Not just that, I can not get balance inquiry on my phone (since last night). I can not reload my Smart Money from my BPI account. In other words, Smart sucks! And it is sucking my load at the ridiculous rate of 10 pesos per 30 minutes. And oh, it sucked my girlfriend's unli phone load for 2 days -- frustrated she has now switched to Talk and Text.

I tried filing a complaint on their website, you know what happened? ERROR message! What's up Smart? The least you can do is inform your customers if you are experiencing technical difficulties and promise to reimburse us for all that lost load. That is, if you are smart. Which I doubt.


  1. O.o It's the MM, I tells ya. If they can't get to you, they'll get to the woman you love.
    The Oldest known mob tactics.



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