Another random list

Awesome things that are cool but sucks at the same time:

- Finishing second in a competitive tournament.
- Setting the world record time in plastic cups stacking.
- Being really good at something you are not really that interested in.
- Being a good karaoke singer.
- Being the perfect look-alike of Mike Enriquez.
- Almost superhuman ability to predict bad things in the future, but having no power to prevent the bad thing from happening.
- A hole in one in golf, and no witnesses.
- Becoming a YouTube sensation over some dumb thing you did.
- Secret affair with Megan Fox that will end and she will deny if ever anyone finds out.
- Getting the fame and recognition you deserve, after you die.
- Having Google declare you as the "Zynga poker champion", but not really, since you used a pseudonym.


  1. Langyang Megan Fox iyan ano? User talaga.

  2. You understand of course neckromancer that I can not say more than I already have. I may have gotten myself in trouble already. :)

  3. Maester Dondz, ikaw rin???



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