Facebook security

FACEBOOK ALERT: As of today, NEW PRIVACY setting called "Instant Personalization" that shares data with non-Facebook websites and it is automatically set to "Enable." Go to Account >Privacy Settings > Applications and Websites >Instant Personalization > Edit Settings, and un-check "Enable". BTW if your friends don't do this, they will be sharing information about you. PLEASE COPY & REPOST
I got the above warning from a Facebook friend. I have yet to check nor change my Facebook settings. I see no need. I have always assumed that whatever I do/post on a SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE will be hacked and/or can be read by anyone. I have not and will not reveal anything embarrassing nor private. No silly drunken photos of me doing model-like poses. Yes, my FB account is boring.

Emails and PMs of course are a different matter.


  1. That's what you call keeping some things sacred. I salute you for that. There aren't that many people who value privacy these days.

  2. Emails and PMs however, I believe should be different. I once PMed (via FB) a cousin about a touchy subject (family spat). I even specifically wrote there that that PM was for her eyes only. Well, my uncle (who lives in the US and was very angry with me) got to read it within hours. Oh fcuk. Not talking to neither the cousin nor my uncle at the moment. Oh well...


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