What happens in Vegas

one more Facebook ad

... is undone in Guam.


  1. Can't people think of better ads? Me guess they not realize they homewreackers... (or not)

  2. I am wondering how many Facebook users "liked" the ad?

  3. I don't even like looking at FB ads. . . The worst part of my FB experience was when it was still election period. . .

    Didn't you just hate how Villar's face keeps showing up on the right side of the screen whenever you log in?

  4. @ don - if people "liked" it, then they have to be the stupidest peeps on this planet. =)

    @ nozrath - villar who? =)
    yeah his face got so tiring maybe that's one of the reasons why he lost in the May elections. People got nauseated by his face.

  5. Yeah. It was like a preview of what things would've been if he got elected. Imagine riding along EDSA with his face everywhere you go. . .

    Sounds like the Twilight Zone. Hehehe.

    It's a good thing PNoy isn't like Gloria. When it was Gloria Era, even the Letterhead of Government Agencies had to have her smiling face printed on it.


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