Fourth of July

Today is the fourth of July, a regular normal day. But not back when we were still a Commonwealth of the United States. Yes kids, there was a time when the Philippines actually celebrated the Fourth of July as our Independence Day. It was a time when Filipinos also sang the Star Spangled Banner in school as our national anthem. 

After we were granted independence, the fourth of July was briefly relegated to "Fil-Am Friendship Day". I am not too sure right now which president did that (kiss ass). But that is now moot as no one gives a hoot about that anymore.

So today is a just any other day of the year. Except for the few idiots who also celebrate Halloween and/or Thanksgiving (Filipinos shouldn't do that! wtf?!). Too much Hollywood, I guess.

But today, for me and my family, it is not just any other day. And it is not because of Hollywood. My mom (RIP) was born on the fourth of July. Happy Birthday mom!


  1. Happy Birthday mommy! :) (You're son turned out to be a bit of a handful! LOL)

  2. Oh she knew that. Lol. Trust me she did. And she spoiled me nonetheless. :)

  3. "So today is a just any other day of the year. Except for the few idiots who also celebrate Halloween and/or Thanksgiving (Filipinos shouldn't do that! wtf?!)." Ayala Alabang people, do you get this? :P

  4. Hmm, 4th of July... I'll have to add that date to my calendar too but I'll have to keep the reason secret for now. Hehehe.

    What's Thanks giving? Is it the American equivalent of "Christmas"?

  5. Thanksgiving is commemoration of the safe landing of the Mayflower(ship with European immigrants) in Plymouth. So really, Filipinos (yes even in the US) should not celebrate this. It is a "white" holiday. You think the Native Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?

  6. Dang! Do Filipinos really celebrate this? It'd really be stupid.

    At least I haven't seen anyone here who does.
    Hehe. I didn't even know what it really was.

    Native Americans... the only group of Native Americans I got even close to knowing was The Tres Machetes (Not sure if it was THE MACHETES or TRES MACHETES anymore.) I just love their songs. Very straight to the point.

    "F*ck you I'm drunk!
    F*ck you I'm drunk!
    So s#ut the h*ll up
    coz I'm f*ck*ng drunk!"

    Hehe. Those kinda lyrics.

  7. I've met one (here) who celebrates it. His excuse is that his entire family lives in the US. He moved there too na. And they celebrate it. But really, given the historical context of the holiday, would you celebrate it? I mean, if you are not descended from the people who landed in Plymouth, Massachusets, why would you?

  8. Hmm, an fine specimen of a bird who tries to trade feathers...

    I most probably would not even if I am in his shoes. Heck, I'm the nutjob who thinks certain Filipino customs, beliefs and traditions should be abolished for various reasons. Some understandable only to me.

    It would really be out of my character.


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