Thank you

Because I never really paid attention to it, not even with all the scantily clad girls dancing beerhouse style, I just found out now that Wowowee is dead and that Willie Revillame is out of a job. Alright! The wheels of justice is really grinding in the PNoy administration. I don't care about the details, people. Please just tell me where to send the thank you note.


  1. But Kris replaced Willie. So it's still shitty. :( Her voice is sooo irritating!

  2. Yet another proof that I was right about removing Channel 2 from my TV's programmed channels. :D

    Maester Dondz, I dunno, maybe yosu could post it in an ABS-CBN online Forum or Blog. Lol!

  3. The Willie fan reacts! Lol, -=K=-, anything is BETTER than Willie (and I hate Kris).

    Noz, I hardly watch TV anymore. Just the news. I do not subscribe to cable, in fact. I watch youtube and download movies from u-torrent now.

  4. On my take on the matter, I intentionally removed the said channel for various reasons.

    Amongst the reasons included the fact that I occasionally watch TV to entertain myself and not to get depressed nor to increase my Blood Pressure. It should be relaxing and not give me more stress. Thus, I (almost) never watch the news and I removed the said channel. XD

    Why listen to news you already know? They recycle them too much nowadays. Lady Gaga farts out loud then its on the News for a week. We should call it "Olds" instead.

  5. It's understandable that if you have a tv channel, you want viewers so you can sell ads and make money. This is a useless rant, but goddamn it, i wish they would have programs that can do better than pander to the lowest common denominator of taste.

  6. I share your sentiments Dude. But sadly, our world is unbelievably going for money instead of purpose.

    Fox example, I learned to speak fluent English at an early age because i watched too much cartoons.

    Now, all cartoons (including anime) are translated to Tagalog just to increase their viewer share.

    (I've been watching the Avatar series on TV but they've cut it at the end of book two. I wanted to see book three so I downloaded the whole series. When book two got downloaded, I reviewed it and found that much of the story has been lost in translation. Some characters were meant to be funnier than they showed it after translating.)

    But after the translated versions have been popular, the kids nowadays find it hard to learn english. Even popular movies have been translated and i ain't happy about it.


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