To my BB Jean

Cartoon avatar of my BB Jean I made at

Everyday I pray and thank the Lord for this life He has given me. I know now my life is blessed. And I am sorry I ever doubted Him. In the times when my whole world seemed ready to completely collapse around me, I can only pray and ask Him "why?" 

You, my love, are the Lord's answer. I know my life is blessed for I have you.

Happy birthday my BB Jean.


  1. Happy Birthday Jean! :)

    Wow, it's such a nice and mushy Sunday! Ilovetttttt! Live, laugh, love!

  2. Mushy indeed. But hey, everyone has softer sides. Lol!

    Happy birthday to your loves!

  3. New rule, TNLs are alllowed to be mushy 3 times a year (and not one more). On Christmas, on v-day, and on her b-day. :)


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